
<p>Con: Son loves it so much at UA that over the holiday break he referred to it as “home” several times. :)</p>

<p>@ProudBamaMama Doesn’t that almost break your heart? My D has said it quite a few times this year and last.</p>

<p>But I am glad that she loves it so much and feels so comfortable there that it feels like home to her. As long as T-town stays her “second home” I guess I’ll be okay!</p>

<p>If she makes it in to Columbia University for her doctorate and starts referring to NYC as home, not sure what I’ll do then!</p>

<p>My brother-in-law recruits for his Atlanta accounting firm at UA every year. As a loyal Georgia grad, he has no bias towards Alabama. That said, he’s specifically commented how very impressed he’s been with the students he’s interviewed an hired.</p>

<p>Pro: UA’s scholarships will combine with GI Bill & Yellow ribbon, U of Miami (FL) Scholarships will not.</p>

<p>@BamaMom2Be, yes hearing my son refer to Bama as “home” did make me a bit sad. That is why I listed it as a “con”. But…I am so happy that he is so happy, making it a “pro”! Hope that makes sense! :slight_smile: ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>txdoula I am glad to hear that about the recruiting, S will be an acctg major…</p>

<p>The big acctg firms recruit at Bama. I’m guessing that now there are four? (I remember when they were called the The Big Eight…I think now it’s the Big Four. Can’t keep up. )</p>

<p>Oh, and they also donate to Bama.</p>

<p>That is really good to know - it shows my age, I was recruited to a Big 8 firm out of school :)…</p>