Prospective Class of 2018

<p>Thanks to all the folks with their wonderful and informative replies.</p>

<p>If my S likes the school then we wont mind pitching in few K$ if he dont get a Full ride or the outside scholarships. He is willing to work On Campus and do work study and Federal loans and grants will take care of the room and food. Also room and food depends upon what you select and few K$ can be shaved easily of the advertised $$$ they print.</p>

<p>I also added UA for his ACT score recipient .
How the school knows about his AP load, from the HS grade Report or Should I need to send the AP Results from CB. I saw that HS report do show his vigorous class load like how many AP and Honor classes he had taken with grades so far and even the ACT score. I was thinking to send the AP results from CB in the end of his senior Year when he finish taken all the AP courses. Each report cost $15 to each School and we have quiet Few, I like to send to only schools which have excepted my S and that we wont know for sometime till late December.</p>

<p>You don’t need to send Bama his AP scores until he takes his last AP exams. At that point, if he’s going to attend Bama, he’ll put down Bama as the score recipient and then CB will send Bama ALL of his AP scores.</p>

<p>his AP scores aren’t needed for admission at Bama at all.</p>

<p>I’ll chime in about scholarships if I may. It is somewhat difficult to find scholarships that will legally pay for expenses other than tuition and fees and books</p>

<p>It’s ok to use outside scholarships that are dedicted for only tuition or books at Bama. Bama’s tuition scholarship is NOT req’d to be used for tuition. It is just “the amount of tuition”, so technically not a tuition scholarship. Bama wrote it that way so that those with GI Bill tuition money can still get the Bama scholarship money. </p>

<p>He is willing to work On Campus and do work study and Federal loans and grants will take care of the room and food. Also room and food depends upon what you select and few K$ can be shaved easily of the advertised $$$ they print.</p>

<p>Dad for 2014…yes, your son will likely get a federal student loan, but from your earlier posts, your income is too high for federal grants. Are you aware of that?</p>

<p>The first year, the meal plan is all the same for freshman (no choice), but after the first year, the students aren’t req’d to have a meal plan or can choose a cheaper meal plan. So, you may find the first year to be the most expensive.</p>

<p>As for work study, getting those awards at any college is “up in the air” since schools are limited to how much they can award. However, a student can still snag a campus or offcampus job. My kids worked in the Bama tutoring center all four years…they tutored math, chemistry, biology and Spanish.</p>

<p>Got an e-mail this morning that Son #2 has a CWID. Good. We have encouraged him to complete most, if not, all the essays and paperwork he needs to do for his apps before school starts in mid-August. His older brother pointed out that one’s senior year is insane, with everything from pictures to athletics (he’s involved in four sports) to APs and academics (he has six AP exams) to wait. Son #2 is a youth soccer referee. If he does not run in college, he probably will look to pick up some money working on campus as a referee for intramural soccer.</p>

<p>Thanks, mom2ck…yes, UA tuition scholarships can pay for things other than tuition/fees…but the tax statement (1098-T) that you get from UA suggests otherwise. UA treats it’s tuition scholarship as just that, as going entirely towards tuition and education-related fees only. Additional funds/outside scholarships are by default treated as non-education-related and therefore taxable income, rather than the other way around. It may be difficult to convince outside scholarship organisations that their money was used for tuition/fees, when UA on its tax statements to students treats the UA scholarship as doing the same, for tax purposes. I know, I know…consult a tax expert…</p>

<p>Thank you, aeromom & m2ck for info on scholarships! Looking forward to getting more information on the honors programs in the coming months.</p>

<p>I just found this thread from last year which says that the OOS Scholarship Page was updated last year on 7/19 for the 2013-2014 year. Fingers crossed that it happens this week for the 2014-2015 year! DD’s birthday is 7/18. We would love to find out that she qualifies for the Presidential on her birthday!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Still patiently waiting for the scholarship page to update. I emailed the scholarship office this week and was told that the Presidential Scholarship is not expected to change and that the page will be updated by early August. DD is getting more and more excited. Her birthday was this week and over half if her presents were Bama-related. Sure hope the scholarship people are right!</p>

<p>Anyone else going to deposit the first day they can?</p>

<p>Unfortunately my high school won’t send transcripts until mid-September, so even though the application is completed I won’t know until October.</p>

<p>NC Mom: We’ll deposit early, although my son needs to few points to earn the presidential scholarship. He ranks Bama as his No. 1, but he has a couple of good, solid backups, too.</p>

<p>Sorry to hear that edjumacation! Hopefully they will get it out as soon as school starts!</p>

<p>Momreads, fingers crossed! Is he taking it again in September? What are his back-ups?</p>

<p>D has submitted an application but I am pretty sure she will attend MSU. I sort of wish she would go to UA (because of its awesomeness!) but MSU has a program that suits her perfectly - plus it will be nice having her close to home.</p>

<p>RTRMom2- I completely understand. DS, a rising Junior at USC, did not even apply to Bama even though he was a NMF because USC had the programs he wanted to mesh together. Had I been more familiar with Bama at the time, I would have pushed him to apply. It wasn’t until I started researching it for DD that I realized how great it was! At our visit last summer I realized it was the perfect place for DD but would not have been for DS. Each child is different and it is good to recognize that early on! So come next fall, we will be flying both flags proudly in front of our house!</p>

<p>NC Mom: My son will take the October SAT. He wants no part of the ACT – took it twice, and did not like the test. He prefers the SAT. He has been to Bama numerous times, thanks to his older brother. He also has visited Mississippi State twice and liked it. His brother encouraged him to apply to Ole Miss, because the campus is lovely, and it may be a good fit, too. He also has one school in VA (our home state), and a couple more OOS schools.</p>

<p>Momreads, DH and I were Wahoos. I grew up in Va.</p>

<p>NC Mom and Momreads - My husband and I grew up in VA, too! :)</p>

<p>How fun! Looking forward to getting to know everyone better over the coming years!</p>

<p>Just checked the scholarship page for about the 15,000th time. No update yet. We leave tomorrow for vacation for 8 days (heading up to your neck of the woods ProudBamaMama!) I am going to be going crazy checking the website multiple times a day from my phone.</p>

<p>NC Mom - Where are you headed? We live in Hershey…The Sweetest Place on Earth. :)</p>

<p>Ironically, that is where we are heading! Will be at the park tomorrow night and Thursday. Then off to NYC! Such a small world! DD and I just had lunch today with Alphimommy and her DD. They were vacationing in our neck of the woods!</p>