Does anyone know when you receive an email/letter informing you that you have been commended? I know I scored above the national merit commended cutoff which I believe is 202 for class of 2016, but I still haven’t received a letter notifying me.
Collegeboard says Late Septemeber the commendation letters will arrive. But as usual they are always stall about this.
They already released this year’s list of semi-finalists. Is the commended list released at the same time?
@TooOld4School I have no idea, but since I haven’t gotten anything and I made the cut I can only assume they are release at different times
I had to ask the GC last year. My DD didn’t get a letter.
I know something has been released to the schools in the last week or so but different schools handle notifying students at different times and in different ways (ie saving it for an awards ceremony).