PSEO vs. IB Diploma?

So I am going to be registering for junior year next week, and I am debating whether I should do the IB Diploma program or PSEO at the University of Minnesota.

The problem I have with PSEO is that nearly everyone could do it, while not many people do the full IB diploma program-so I would stand out more if I do it. But I would get a lot more college credit from PSEO.

Can I hear different opinions please? Thanks!

With PSEO On-Campus option, you could potentially complete as much as 60 College Credits by the time you finish high school. That is equivalent to 2-years of College and it is completely free (Books/Tuition/Fees). To me that is a great deal. You get to finish your undergraduate studies by the time you are 20. I think it is better than AP and IB, but I’m biased. BTW, isn’t the PSEO program competitive GPA-wise? I think they only accept about 40% of those that apply. Yes?

Yeah, well I don’t know…It seems like a lot of people in my school are able to do it, and the teachers try to push the smarter kids to do Diploma. It seems all the more intelligent ones do Diploma and the rest who are too scared to do it, are dong PSEO instead. Also, would the university accept all the credits I would earn? Lets say I do do PSEO at U of M, would I be more likely to get accepted into the University when I apply as a senior, or would I more likely get accepted to the U of M from doing IB Diploma?

94 percent of U of M PSEO students who apply to UMTC for freshman admission are admitted.

The PSEO is quite limited in your State (about 1,000 total enrollment). In the State of Florida, over 50K High School Students take some form of Dual Enrollment (DE) Courses, at mostly Community Colleges (some 4-year Institutions).

IB Programs have some level of risk, as many IB students I know some how do not complete the diploma. While getting a C (or even I D) in a Dual Enrollment Class will get you College credits.

My daughter is doing Dual Enrollment and the classes she is doing at the Local Community College is geared towards a specific major. So all her DE classes will transfer over, since they are all prerequisites for her BS degree. So choose your courses carefully if you go the PSEO route. Good luck!

Do you think if I actually completed the IB diploma program, that I would have a good chance at getting in? and if I manage to get A’s and B’s?

Also, is PSEO looked up upon? If i were to take PSEO at the U and get A’s and B’s, would that benefit me in trying ot get into the school? And, if I were to do PSEO part time, how much credits do you think I would recieve, and how much earlier could I graduate because of it? Sorry about all the questions, but the deadline for registration is coming up. I’m also the oldest child and both my parents went to high school in different countries, so this is all new to me. Thank you for your answers though!

You should really sit down with your Guidance Counselor at your High School and put those types of questions to him/her. I gave you a key statistics about the percentage of PSEO Students that get accepted to the U of M Program after completing the program, yet you insist on asking the same question again and again. You should speak to students at your school to gauge their likes/dislikes of the PSEO and IB programs and then make a decision based on your research and the inputs from your Guidance department. I don’t think there is a right answer or approach here. The key question is: are you prepared to handle these College level courses at U of M come fall of 2015? The IB program is a well establish, highly rated program across the US. Personally, I like Dual Enrollment programs above IB, AICE or AP for various reasons, chief of which is that many graduate programs will not accept AP or IB credits for prerequisites into their graduate program, while a Dual Enrollment College course will be accepted as long as you attain a C and above.

Haha, yeah well I tried talking to her…Thanks anyway! :slight_smile:

I’m of the belief that the IB Diploma is a more rigorous academic path. This is probably why you are seeing the ‘smarter’ kids going for it. While PSEO is great, the IB Diploma gives you better credits at out-of-state colleges e.g. the UC system on the west coast. If you’re planning to go to a college in Minnesota, PSEO would be simpler. Otherwise, if you love challenge, I’d recommend the IB Diploma, it is well revered. I hope this helps and I understand your dilemma. Best of luck.