psychology major

<p>I want to major in psychology. What are the class sizes like and how many undergraduates do psych major? Are the profs nice and are there research/internship opportunities?</p>

<p>[Psychology</a> Department | Psychology Department](<a href=“]Psychology”></p>

<p>On the welcome page, I see a sentence that says there are 800 undergrads in Psychology. I hope that helps as far as that part of your question. If you want to know about per class (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior), you will more than likely need to e-mail <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>After being at VT for a year, I’ve realized that most classes are about the same size. I’ve taken math, science, and english at VT. Most of my class sizes were the same except for science. It seems like General Chem is always a giant class, like 500 students. For psychology, I am just estimating, but I would guess somewhere between 20-50 students per class. It just really depends on if other majors need the course you are taking or not.
[Information</a> for Prospective Students | Psychology Department](<a href=“]Information”>
That link says Psych is one of the largest majors on campus, so I could be wrong.</p>

<p>As for research/internship opportunities, VT is a research institute. They will tell you that from day one. I found this link on the Psych website that outlines some of the research/labs that go on during the year.
[Collaborative</a> Research Interests | Psychology Department](<a href=“]Collaborative”>
If you are interested in any of that, you should do whatever you can to get involved with it. Research always looks good on applications for jobs or graduate/professional school.</p>

<p>Professors really depends on who you get. I know that in Math and English courses there are like 30 professors to choose from. Psych will probably be similar, but maybe with less instructors. The best thing I can tell you to do is to research the teacher’s ratings from students who have had them in past years. You can use:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.k%5B/url%5D”>www.k</a> o o f e r (take out the spaces)
[Rate</a> VT Teachers](<a href=“”></p>

<p>Those two websites will pretty much cover any instructor who has been at VT for a year. New teaching assistants or newly hired professors most likely will not be on those websites. When you take those teachers, it is just luck of the draw. You might get a good one or you might get a terrible one. </p>

<p>Hope this helps. Feel free to send me a PM if you have any further questions.</p>

<p>Thank You for your detailed reply!</p>