Psychology Major

<p>Okay so I am just about to begin my first year of college at a community college and I am planning on transferring after 2 years, I will have my associates by then and I want to get my bachelors for Social Psychology but I want to hear your opinions on good universities and colleges in new york that I can transfer to after the 2 years are up. I know I am thinking ahead but I just want to have my education planned out for me. I am going to go for my Masters as well, so if you would like to give me your opinions on schools for that as well that would be great, thank you!</p>

<p>NYU is the only one I know of. I’m sure plenty of the New York State schools have good programs. Just so you know, psychology grad schools are super competitive</p>

<p>If you’re not very good financially, you should really look into the CUNY system. Best schools for psychology are Hunter, Brooklyn and Queens, although if you’re into social psychology, only Hunter and Brooklyn are your best bet.
The SUNY system is also very good if you want a great education at a low price. You can try Cortland, Oneonta or Buffalo.</p>