Public School Honors vs. Prestigious Private School

<p>I've always wanted a college experience that seems to match me with schools like University of North Carolina, University of Virginia, and University of Michigan (i.e. great academics combined with sports programs, college town, campus community etc.) How would the honors colleges at UNC or UMICH, and UVA, compare with schools like Stanford, Harvard, and UPenn, in terms of college experience, academics, grad school placement.
p.s. I'm undecided leaning towards politics and plan on going to grad school. Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>If you are considering graduate school, I would definitely not discount an honors public school. However, if you got into an ivy league or other comparable school, I would go there if the money situation works out for you. For me, I got into many prestigious schools (non-ivy though) but I got a full ride to Rutgers. I want to go to law school, so I chose Rutgers instead and don’t regret it, especially since my family would’ve been struggling now due to the economy. I have heard of countless students from public schools like Rutgers or Penn state who graduate with good grades and got excellent jobs, internships, or into ivy-league grad schools. also, uva, unc, and umich are some of the top public schools in the nation. getting into an honors program at thsoe schools i think would be really amazing. also, you wouldnt have to deal with the pretentious, competitive nature of the ivies</p>

<p>There is no need to go to a private school if you like schools like Umich and Virginia. Your education will be the same if not better (ESPECIALLY in the honors program) and job opportunities, grad schools etc, etc will all be the same. There is absolutely no reason to go to a Brand name ivy school (which uMich and virginia are pretty much) with those choices.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what your current situation is, but wait until you get accepted and then make the comparison. If you have all the money in the world, and you don’t have to get heavily into debt just to attend a prestigious private school at the undergraduate level, then go for the prestigious private school. Otherwise make a pro and con list once you are accepted to a program.</p>

<p>BTW if your not in state for some of these top public schools, the out of state tuition for some might be close to the ticket price to some of the privates.
Also look into private schools that rank around the public school honors, ie USC, because if you’re harvard material you’re bound to get merit aid from schools like that just so that you end up going to their school.</p>

<p>If you’re going into politics, your state school would probably be your best bet. They are suspicious of those Harvard fellas in many states, especially in the South.</p>

<p>You will do well attending any of the three state universities listed in your original post. Michigan’s Honors Program is highly selective. Virginia’s Honors program grants freedom, not structure; it is similiar to Brown’s educational philosophy.</p>

<p>If you’re sure you want to go into politics, a university located in your home state (public or private) is your best bet.</p>