Purdue announces next president


At age 73, after 10 years at the helm, and with his contract expiring, I expected this was coming. Dr. Chiang seems to have done well with Engineering. And the impact of “Daddy Daniels” will likely be felt at least through most, if not all, of my daughter’s duration.

The university benefitted greatly from his 10 years.


Me too. I knew it was coming.

I’m already hearing tons of great comments about Dr. Chiang. He has big shoes to fill but it sounds like he’s up for the job!

Wonder who will be the new Dean of engineering?

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You could see it coming. My son took his class the fall semester of last year. He was one of nineteen i the class. He really enjoyed it. He said “Daddy Daniels” was very approachable.
I think he did a wonderful job for Purdue. Seems some loved him and some hated him.
Not much middle ground.