Purdue/GT vs a lesser school with merit aid

<p>With that May 1 deadline approaching, here's the problem:</p>

<p>My son's guidance counselor was nervous about his chances at the engineering schools he applied to, so as a safety school, he applied to Temple University in Philly and received a full scholarship. He had minimal interest in Temple until he visited, and loved it for a lot of reasons. It's engineering though is way south of Georgia Tech or Purdue (ranked 109). Meanwhile, he was admitted to Purdue, VTech, and GTech. We're OOS for all of the colleges (a little merit aid at Purdue and Clemson).</p>

<p>How much would attending a school like Temple really diminish his post-graduation opportunities?</p>

<p>I would think none, if he has a full ride this will say alot in his future job search, and it is what you put into it , and there is no $$$$ pressure, no shame in taking this and running with it, he most likely will be a front runner in the program, I would hire a kid like that first!
What if this was his ONLY way of obtaining a degree? It will be someone’s and they will be proud and happy to take it and succeed!</p>

<p>Thanks for your reply Momstheboss. We’ve been getting good input from both sides of the argument. I’ll forward this one to my son.</p>

<p>A free ride is fabulous, but the rankings speak volumes. Employers know exactly what to expect from a Purdue graduate. I would look closely at the co-op opportunities, internships, and placement at Temple. Our daughter got great offers from U of Rochester and Lehigh, but they didn’t come close in the corporate connections that Purdue has/offers. She now has a 5 term co-op, that will enable her to graduate from Purdue debt free and with 2 years work experience with an International company. The company only hires Purdue engineers. Good luck!</p>