Purdue Honors Vs UCLA

Hi! I’m torn between Purdue honors (with 64k scholarship) and UCLA. I’m a statistics major. I’m planning to do a CS major(if I go to ucla) or a CS minor (if I go to Purdue) along with statistics

Selection Criteria:
-Internships and research opportunities
-good academic relationships with professors
-a decent class size

As you can tell, I do plan on going to grad school. So I’m confused about what looks better on my resumé according to grad schools: brand name or honors. Money isn’t a factor in my selection. But, I do want to be pre-occupied with research or internships rather than just classes. I also want good rec letters from professors and I want to do research under some of them.

Might I add, UCLA does offer an honors program but it doesn’t include thesis-writing and rigorous academic courses. And it isn’t selective as well

Thats a tough call. You intro math classes will be big at either school.

Both programs are ranked the same for graduate work in statistics , at 27th in nation so there is top research going on at both universities.

UCLA may have better connections to grad schools on the west coast for stats, like Berkeley, UW Seattle.
Also do you want to study biostatistics? UCLA seems to be somewhat more focused on that sub field
of statistics, but Purdue also teaches bioinformatics and biostatistics. Look at the detailed four year class requirements and compare them.

Note that UCLA School of Public Health offers only masters and PhD work in biostatistics. So you
can get a UCLA bachelors degree from the statistics department and then apply for a masters or PhD.
if you want to further specialize in biostatistics.


You can apply for statistics REUs from either school, starting as early as freshman year. Most statistics students do REUs after sophomore and junior year. They are funded by the National Science Foundation, and you would most likely go to a different university to work with another faculty, although some REUs may be at Purdue and UCLA, that changes year to year, depending on who applies for that funding. Search on REU Mathematical Sciences, then hunt for projects you like!

Computer science is outstanding at both universities too!

If the Honors program at Purdue provides real options to connect to professors, that may be a slight advantage.

(honors is phony baloney at most universities, its a brag title for parents and meaningless, so check out
Purdue’s program carefully for content, it seems you are aware of this ! )

You will have to be assertive at either school, and get very top grades to get the best research options as an undergrad.

UCLA is the superior school, with the exception of engineering. If cost is not an issue, go to UCLA. One of the best schools in the world. And better weather and social environment. Have you visited both?

I was very impressed with the college visit to Purdue, particularly the effort they make at getting kids jobs/ internships. They even buy and tailor suits for every student, included in tuition. Seems a bit crazy, but they know that it reflects positively on them when employers come to recruit.

Also, many kids want to study, not party and Purdue gives them that.

Purdue’s campus is very nice and well I integrated with the city around it.

Finally, they are located right next to a small airport and have set it up so you can minor in flying planes if you want. How cool is that?

The Reu was a very interesting program and I wasn’t aware of it. Thank you so much for this elaborate answer.

@UMICHBHG I don’t think getting a minor in Professional Flight is an option. Correct me if I’m wrong.

@hywrd14 You can indeed take flying lessons to become a certified pilot. There are additional fees involved and I think it is limited to certain majors.

Thanks for the clarification.

Thanks for the clarification.

Thanks for the clarification.

Easily Purdue. For a technical major/minor, Purdue is as good as any school. I think with that scholarship it should be a clear decision. Especially in the honors program, you can go as far as you’d like career- or research-wise. I also faced the same decision.

if you like stats look into Purdue IE dept, they are undergoing a massive size and reputation increase wi the new Dean and faculty - it will soon be #1 or #2 in country (again)

if you like applied stats and models you may love IE with an Operations Research focus

the IE building (Grissom - after the astronaut is fantastic and close to the union) and the Honors Residential Hall is new (2 years old) impressive and in a great location on campus

the diversity of student body index (which inflated all west coast schools given their native populations) helped UCLA edge Purdue in WSJ ranking by increasing the environment score by 3 points-- which h was laos helped by west coast starting salaries (non cost of living adjusted)

Purdue scored beter in resources and engagement - and I think that is what you’re looking for!!!