Purdue University Class of 2020 Scholarships

My daughter got her “award” as well. Nothing but loans. Bye bye Purdue…hello Ohio State???

Lol, the cost of attendance on their website was quite a bit cheaper than what I saw on my financial aid package.

Also got “gapped” about 10k…

Why my financial aid status is still in “Received but not yet reviewed. Received Feb 2.”?
I thought they said early march?

Just finished reading through this thread. I think the situation at Purdue is complicated in regards to scholarships, but very clearly non-uniform. I know that the scholarship coordinator position did change this year, not sure if that led to some of the issues that are listed in this thread. I’m in a bit of a unique position to comment as I happen to recruit down at Purdue in the STEM area for a major corporation and I get the chance to see and evaluate many excellent students that attend there (I am also an alum). And I will echo what others have said, there are some tremendous students that attend and graduate from this school, especially in the Engineering areas. I regularly interact with Beering and Stamps scholarship students there. I also happen to have had a child apply there this past fall. This child in an academic freak of a student (and I say that in a good way). Perfect ACT score ( all subsections and a score of which they have nearly had since being a 14 YO), easily a NM scholar and an excellent musician along with other ECs. They are finishing up their second year of college classes at our local CC (12K students) and have taken all of the math, Chem, and Physics that a normal engineering student would take the first two years of college(has been the top student in each of those classes).

Applied early by the deadline and then did not hear anything - status was received and waiting eval. After not hearing when the Trustee notifications went out before Christmas, we called them on Jan. 7. First they could not find the application - second phone call, they found it! Admitted the next day. I emailed the scholarship coordinator (who had changed but passed along the email to the new coordinator). I did receive a prompt response from the new coordinator. Summary of the response was that child was considered for Trustee scholarships and that there are many good students who apply that don’t receive these and that there was still the Presidential and that we should look at fastweb.com and scholarship.com for additional monies. The letter was a bit of a canned boilerplate response and came off to me as a bit condescending. Unfortunately it is not true that the child was considered for the Trustee and beyond scholarships as you need to be admitted first before you would be considered for that. I have not since contacted the admissions / scholarship folks. Since then, child awarded Presidential and accepted into honors. But, clearly won’t be attending Purdue as this is a student who can attend free, or nearly free a number of excellent schools across the country (merit scholarships only).

It is hard to say what happened in this instance and we will never know. Child has since accepted at another University which will be an excellent fit. I can say, from looking at the statistics and knowing and talking with the students at Purdue that Purdue does not have a focus on recruiting the top end academic students. You can look at the number of National Merit scholars there and some other information to see that as compared to some other private and public Universities. That being said, there are excellent students at Purdue and they do a very good job of educating the students in Engineering and the Sciences. But, in summary, I would say that Purdue is not the best place to seek out merit $. There are other public and private schools that are much more generous in this area.

ur name’s funny…if you are ShipAlreadySAnk, then why r u still here…??


We received the exact canned response. I actually could not believe my eyes when I was reading your post.
So where did your child end up? We are still choosing between Ohio State, Notre Dame and University of Dayton. Go figure when his cost to attend Notre Dame is quite a bit cheaper than Purdue.

My child will be at the U of MN - CSE. The College of Science and Engineering is making a very strong push to enroll excellent students. Average ACT score for incoming students will be about 32 and about 100 NM scholars in the class. Students area of interest matches with one of the top programs in the world, so all good.