Purdue University

<p>I am an international student from Hong Kong
I have accepted the offer from Purdue University.
I want to know if there any English programs for international students like me?
Or can you share some information or experience with me?
Thank you</p>

<p>Moving this thread to the Purdue forum. You may also want to ask your question on the International Students forum.</p>

<p>Also, have you tried calling Purdue??</p>

<p>I’m from hong kong too 巴打!</p>

<p>I got accepted in Computer Science^^</p>

<p>I got accepted in Science major too XD
but I am studying Chemistry
btw can u give me your e-mail or facebook so we can keep in touch
終於搵到香港人讀Purdue 啦 XD</p>