Purdue vs. Iowa

<p>I'm having trouble deciding where to go to college for engineering. I'm between University of Iowa and Purdue.
Purdue has a better program for engineering and I'd be better challenged there then at Iowa, but it is also about 10,000/yr more expensive for me then Iowa.
Iowa doesn't have as good of an engineering program but it seems like I would have a better quality of life there because Purdue's atmosphere seemed a little more...dull perhaps and even depressing in the winter. </p>

<p>I'm leaning Purdue but any advice would be very much appreciated!!</p>

<p>if you do well, your Iowa degree can get you jobs as good as Purdue; and you like IA. </p>

<p>save $40k.</p>

<p>Just my opinion–but I would check out Iowa’s job placement stats for the engineering grads. If they are good, then save the money. Purdue posts that information–though it usually is about one year old. Engineers are highly sought after and valued out of Purdue–and an extra 10K for that reason would be the deal maker if it were me.</p>

<p>My son got into Michigan, USC and Wash U. within their engineering schools. He will study CS or Computer Engineering. He has the equivalent of tuition free at Purdue and full pay or 50-60 K at those other schools–so he will likely stay in-state at Purdue. But, I did consider the job placement stats. At Michigan–they are amazing as well for example, but in our case–it would be like 40K plus more per year!! Hard to justify that difference.</p>

<p>I have been to Iowa’s campus as well. Depends what time of year and the day, etc. I think Purdue would provide just as much “fun”–my son thought Iowa was very dull. I think fun events happen at both schools–so I would not let that be a real factor.</p>

<p>Good choice though–good luck.</p>

<p>Thank you for the advice. Iowa does have a good job placement rate. I think that Purdue is better for me though. Unfortunately I will have to take out a loan of about at least 15K/yr but hopefully having a good job in engineering wont make it hard to pay off. I think Purdue is worth the extra 40K.</p>