
Interested in my chances at Purdue University, as well as other recommendations for good environmental science schools I’d have a chance at.

My Background:
I’m a junior at an agricultural high school in Massachusetts. This means half of my courses are vocational, and in my case (as an environmental science major) centered around many environmental science topics, such as Green Engineering, Environmental Studies, Mapping and GIS, etc.
However, my school does not offer AP classes. I am taking the highest level offerred in all my courses though.

Current GPA is 3.9/4.0 and 4.02/4.25
Class rank is 3rd

I’ve played freshman volleyball, JV last year, and varsity this year and next (likely a captian next year)
Played freshman softball, JV last year, and varsity this year and next

Member of Peer Leadership Club since freshman year
Class Representative on Student Council (this year)
Chapter FFA Officer (this year) (and assumedly next year)
Member of NHS
Member of FFA since freshman year

Participated in Agriscience Fair at FFA State Convention (placed 4th)

Any input or advice is welcome and greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Regarding Purdue admissions, the first place that I would start at is Purdue’s Common Data Set, here, https://www.purdue.edu/oirae/resources.html. Part C7 tells you what admissions factors Purdue considers to be “very important,” “important,” “considered,” and “not considered”; Part C9 of the CDS gives the median 50% for both SAT and ACT scores, as well as the percentage of the entering first-year class falling within certain ranges of SAT and ACT scores. As you can see from the CDS, Purdue views standardized test scores, GPA, and high school course rigor as “very important” admissions factors, and ECs, personal qualities, LORs, and application essay(s) as “important” admissions factors.

Next, I would look at the Purdue Data Digest, here, https://www.purdue.edu/datadigest/, under the link for “Applications, Admits, and Matriculations”. It is interactive, so you can input the parameters that most apply to you (for example, you would be “Non-Resident” under the “Residency” tab). Based on your input, the Data Digest will generate information and create some graphs/charts from which you may be able to make an estimate of your chances for admission. Also, the link to the “New First-Time Beginner Profile” should have useful statistical information as well.

One thing to consider also is that Purdue underestimated its overall yield last year, and had about 500 more admits than it planned for; so there is some speculation that there may be fewer admits for this coming admissions cycle to compensate for that. I don’t know how careful Purdue will be in the future regarding admissions, given this recent history.

Based on your specific numbers, and assuming (A) that your ACT or SAT test scores will be commensurate with your GPA and (B) that you continue to take the most rigorous courses offered by your high school, I think that you would be competitive for admission to the College of Engineering, the College of Science, or the College of Agriculture at Purdue (I don’t know in what college you would apply/matriculate).

Purdue will not ding you for not having AP courses since they aren’t offered at your school. Personally I think they will like that you are in an ag high school. Focus on your ACT/SAT and continue to do what you are doing.

Thank you so much!