<p>Hi, I guess you could say I'm a pretty hard-working student, taking challenging courses in high school. However, I've been doing a lot of thinking recently about the reason why we pursue high level careers (medical careers, law careers, other graduate schools etc.). I mean, our society always holds the basic virtues of humility, selflessness, and compassion in high esteem, so why is that we pursue such professional careers? Shouldn't we be living simple lives, well-read of course, and overall just being a good person. I mean, if your reason is for the money element, then that would be directly contradicting the values mankind and society value. I guess this is more of a question I've had lingering for some time. </p>
<p>Ya...I'm wondering about this too. Imagine a society where everyone has master's or PhD's....who will be our janitor, mcdonalds worker, or any other low level jobs? A doctor in astrophysics working in mcdonalds? That's why people are afraid to help others...they are afraid of the competition. And that's why we will always have those living below the poverty level...no matter how developed and industrialized our country gets there will always be those living on pennies. the rich get richer...and the poor get poorer as we are navigating through the 21st century.</p>
<p>be a doctor. dont charge small fortunes if the procedures dont cost that much. save a life or two. </p>
<p>be a lawyer. if you are a pessemist, be a DA and put criminals in jail. if optamist, be a defense attourney and keep the innocent out of jail.</p>
<p>be a businessman/woman. help earn money for a nonprofit.</p>
<p>but yea, all societies need the lower class so someone can do the menial work. china and india have booming economies in part because they have a cheaper labor force than the US (also why outsourcing is happening).</p>
<p>my spelling is bad. i know. im just too lazy to check on all the spellings.</p>
<p>In one sentence: It would destroy the economy. If one country decided to do this, they would quickly drop to third-world status because their materialism-based economoy would crash. A better option (in my opinion) would be to give more people more opportunity to "succeed." Some will always decide that the effort is not worth it, and will become part of the ranks of the food-service industry.</p>
<p>listen, I think we're getting slightly away from the topic here.... See, the thing is that even if "you" as an individual did not decide to be a certain doctor or lawyer, someone else, equally qualified would be in that position, and save the same life or two.</p>