<p>Hi all, I'm trying to transfer to Dartmouth this year and had a question for current students. Not a traditional math school, how much value will Dartmouth see in a math competition like Putnam?</p>
<p>I spent two years at a tier-2 private university. I was among top 1000 in Putnam in my freshman year (2009), expect to be in top 300 in my sophomore year (2010), and will probably do even better in the next two years since I hadn't even finished the math courses tested on the Putnam exam. A bit of research showed that in the past 7 years in a row, not a single Dartmouth student was able to yield at least an HM (~top 80) on Putnam, and I wonder if a potential breakthrough would be valuable to Dartmouth?</p>
<p>My other qualifications include REU and publications. The only short hand might be my supersonic curriculum -I'm nearly Senior standing at my current school now and unless I transfer out, I'll finish my four-year degree in only two years :P</p>