<p>I think I accidentally put the wrong zip code on my AP Exam, instead of number 3 I put 2. Just 1 number I messed up on. Do you think this would cause a big problem?
I probably won't receive my score, right? Should I call in and ask for a change in the zip code? Also, please give me the number to call in.</p>
<p>I put in the wrong school code! I am planning to call them sometimes next week.
I don’t know why (probably because I was nervous), I made a lot of mistakes while taking the test. Probably because this was my 1st time.
Here’s another guilty mistake:
I forgot to indent on FRQs of 2 of my APs! I always do but I don’t know why, after taking the test, I realized I didn’t.
The number to call, I think, is in the Student Pack.
If you don’t see a specific # for mistakes on forms then you can choose one the most close to it then ask the representative to redirect you if that’s not the right place.</p>
<p>another mistake is that you wrote your mistake in white text so we can’t see it unless we highlight it…</p>
<p>Actually I wrote it like that on purpose :)</p>
<p>aquamarina: Hehe I always do the same thing This is also b/c I just moved and totally forgot to write down my address. But I’m less worried b/c my dad told me the score will eventually get to me b/c I put the right city after all. It will take a few extra days though. But it’s okay