Py 105

<p>My son has his 3rd exam tomorrow in Gable’s Honors Psych class. He has been struggling a bit in this class, but is keeping his head above water. Tomorrow’s test, and one more exam, will comprise the course grade. Son is feeling good about his prep, but I am curious if any of your students have taken or are taking this class from Gable and have been or are currently quite successful…I would like to give my son some pointers, or suggest a study group. Thanks!</p>

<p>D is taking this class but has Gilpin. She has focused on studying the class notes and reading the chapters.</p>

<p>My daughter is in this class and doing well</p>

<p>She recommends:</p>

<p>Tell her he should try the online study options. Go to <a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>Thank you so much for this website! I passed the info on to my son who was very appreciative! Here’s hoping for great results tomorrow!</p>

<p>I’m bumping this because I was researching previous posts…and wanted to add/update that my S took this Honors Psych class and he said the final exam this past semester was H-A-R-D. Prof later sent S some stats on the class’ final exam results and this is not a class to take lightly. My S just wanted an interesting honors elective, and the final turned out to be something he wasn’t expecting. The class was great…easy, fun, interesting…just don’t think the final exam is anything near as easy as the class, is the advice to future students.</p>