Q for parents of Catholic students

<p>My son is going on the SEARCH retreat with the St. Francis group this weekend. Anybody’s kid ever go on one of these? My son was a retreat director his senior year of HS and he loves these things.</p>

<p>(btw… I understand quite a few Protestant kids go on these retreats, so I probably shouldn’t limit my question to Catholics)</p>

<p>Ok so I am probably not who you were expecting to hear from, but I went on the search retreats when I was a student in the late 80’s early 90’s. I also was a part of the team that put them on for a few years. The retreat is a great experience. They are led by other students. There are talks on prayer and reconciliation and other topics relevant to their college life. The meet in small groups to discuss and share. It is a great way to recharge during the semester. I absolutely loved them and got so much out of the weekends.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for that. I think that’s awesome. I’m betting my son will be a retreat leader before he is done.</p>

<p>I hope he gets that opportunity. It was life changing for me. I got to know my husband of 21 years when we were on the search retreat team.</p>

<p>My son is going on the SEARCH retreat, too. He went on it last year and enjoyed it.</p>

<p>I went on SEARCH decades ago and it was great. There are also Kairos retreats that also are very good.</p>


<p>Search is an incredible weekend for college students given by college students. We take time to reflect and share ourselves, our friends, and our God. This is a chance to search for and find God in our lives. Every SEARCH is a unique experience with something special for everyone.</p>


<p>We’ll hear talks from fellow college students about the many ways we can come closer to God, followed by a chance to share our thoughts in small groups. There is also personal time for reflection and prayer. Plenty of good food and snacks are served throughout the weekend along with music, and social time. Everyone will get to meet new friends, renew old friendships and have a great time.</p>


<p>It is Catholic in orientation, but is open to all undergrad college students wanting to learn more about God in their lives and more about themselves.</p>

<p>As Slippy mentions, non-Caths can attend as well.<br>
[St</a> Francis - SEARCH Retreat](<a href=“http://www.stfrancisuofa.com/index.php?page=search-retreat]St”>http://www.stfrancisuofa.com/index.php?page=search-retreat)</p>

<p>and…it’s CHEAP!! only $20!!! includes food and lodging</p>

<p>DS reports that this past weekend’s SEARCH retreat was a ton of fun. He is psyched!</p>

<p>We’re planning to attend Mass this Sunday. Is there one that’s more geared toward the students vs. T-town families? Or are both on Sunday the same? Can’t go to Saturday night (which I would think would be most popular with the students, right?)</p>

<p>Students typically attend Sunday night at 7. Wife and I attended the 9 a.m. Mass a couple of weeks ago (without son), and it was a diverse mix of people. More students than I expected. I enjoyed it.</p>

<p>During the school year there are 3 Masses on Sunday. 9am, 11am and 7pm. The 7 pm Mass probably has the larger student attendance. The 9am Mass does have some students as well, but there are more families, professors, and coaches at that time. The 11am has a mix as well. </p>

<p>There are also daily Masses at noon. </p>

<p>Be sure to note the status of the new church bldg that is coming along quite nicely right next to current bldg. I was there this weekend and saw the progress. Looking forward to its completion.</p>

<p>During the summer and “winter break” there isn’t a 7 pm Mass.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. We have to head back Sunday afternoon, so we’ll have to go to a morning service.</p>

<p>We usually go to 9 am Mass at St. Francis when we’re in town. Very nice service, and very well attended. A good number of students, but also a lot of families. </p>

<p>If you’re in a bind and have to go to Saturday vigil, Holy Spirit down McFarland does have Saturday vigil. I enjoy the priest there, too. Very nice church.</p>

<p>One of my Catholic friends told me that Nick Sabin sometimes attends mass at St. Francis. She said that it was a real sell for her son to attend Bama. Can anyone with experience verify?</p>

<p>Yes, he and Miss Terry are regulars unless they’re out of town… 9am Mass.</p>

<p>Last year when I flew to Calif, I sat next to his Goddaughter.</p>

<p>I’m waiting to hear from Slippy whether he wore his LSU shirt to 9 am mass and got to meet the man himself. Hope he gave him a strong handshake and a Roll Tide!</p>