<p>I'm a male of north african origin (so I check the African/African-American box). I am quadrilingual, fluent in french, spanish, arabic, and (obviously) english.</p>
<p>location: bellevue, wa
school: bellevue hs (#13 in nation according to Newsweek)
gpa: 3.85 UW, unknown weighted (see below for courses taken)
rank: Top 3% (estimate)
sat i: 2350
sat ii: Writing, French, Biology (scores not known yet, but I expect them to be 800 writing, 800 French, and 750+ biology)</p>
<p>APs (14 total)
French Language (5)
French Literature (5)
Spanish Language (5)
Language and Composition (5)
Literature and Composition (5) [I'm not sure if this is the official title of the test]
World History (5)
US History (5)
Comparative Government (5)
<a href="5">other Gov test</a>
Biology (5)
Chemistry (4)
Calculus AB (4)
AP European History (4)**
AP Macro Economics**
AP Micro Economics**</p>
<li>Predictions based on practice tests
**Test only, not the class</li>
Numerous awards, most notably in Debate (heavily involved all 4 years, competing very successfully locally and nationally)
Jacob Friedman Memorial Holocaust Essay Contest, 1st Place
Order of Superior Distinction (Highest Honor), National Forensic League (National debate organization)
AP Scholar (Highest level, I forgot the title)
other random stuff that I don't remember</p>
<p>EC's (in no particular order):
- Debate team [President], founder of competitive squad (I travel 5+ times per year for debate, and spend by far more time on it than any other activity)
- Internship at the revived Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt.
- Arabic studies, I have been studying arabic since the 1st grade, and I am completely fluent and am otherwise at the equivalent grade level of someone living in the Middle East.
- Youthlink Youth Council (committee that disburses funds to local programs)
- National Honor Society
- 400+ hours of community service
- Teaching with Seattle Audubon Society and Wilderness Awareness summer programs
- Founder, Middle Eastern Student's Association
- President, Future Attorneys of American
- DECA (won several awards)
- Opinion editor, school newspaper
- Junior Tennis team @ local health club and recreational
- Sailing, recreational
- Heavily involved in local community
- Highly proficient in the art of "tilawa", or the lyrical recitation of the Quran (I will most likely be sending a CD along with my apps)... ironically, i am not very religious (go figure)</p>
<p>numerous other EC's, these are the highlights that i thought of off the top of my head...</p>
<p>Very strong essays and recommendations.</p>
My father received a his doctoral degree from Harvard University, and did some consulting for the Harvard Medical School (as part of the graduate program, I think)
Maternal grandparents both received BA, MA, PhD from Cambridge University in the UK, both were visiting scholars at the University.</p>
<p>Interested in:
Economics, Linguistics, Mid-East Studies</p>
<p>So, what are my chances at:</p>
MIT (for linguistics, maybe?)
UC Berkeley
U of Chicago
U of Washington
Cambridge University (UK)-- I know the system is different, but if you have experience with British schools please share</p>