Quality of Non-STEM Majors at VT?

How are they regarded in comparison to the STEM majors at VT? What about the non-STEM at UVA or W&M? Should non-STEM majors consider VT, is it still worth going to? Are in any of the majors in particular well regarded? Thanks


Tech has non STEM programs? Kidding.

You just need to do the research on the programs. The business school is not too shabby at all. In fact I know a retired finance VP that would not hire accounting grads from UVA, but would from Tech. YMMV.

What are you interested in?

Specifically, journalism and public policy/ urban planning

*political science

OK, those degrees are outside of my experience. Urban planning is in the College of Architecture. The college is very highly rated but I don’t have any knowledge of the particular degree. If you pursue journalism or political science at any university you are going to have to really hustle for opportunities in life. I think your success will depend mostly on you and less on which college you attended.