Hoping the results come out a little earlier than expected like the finalist results did (they said Finalist results would come out by 7:00 EST but I think they came out before or around 1-2 EST). GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! And if we aren’t matched, just remember that you’ll still be considered for RD with a good FA package!
Hopefully these results come out soon.
Good luck to everyone!! Hopefully results come out soon! So thankful for QB for giving us all this opportunity!
Hey, has anyone else noticed this? I’ve been trying to open the questbridge homepage, but it won’t open and instead downloads a file. Could this be a sign that they’re uploading the results now?
Yes that has happened to me too! It’s almost time guys :-SS
@DominicBayer I just tried it you’re right! Hmmm…getting so excited/nervous lol
I have lab from 12-3 and I’ll be anxiously waiting for a Questbridge email to get to my phone haha. Once again good luck yall!
@lilmonet1 I believe the email comes a few hours after.
Weird. I can’t even access the Questbridge website.
It says it’s downloading a file for me too! Wonder if they’re having technical difficulties or it means that they are in the process of uploading!!
Neither can I!! Hope they’re uploading and it’ll be up soon.
It’s still doing it after an hour.
The website is working now, but there are still no results.
@DominicBayer The website front page is broken. There are errors in the code everywhere. The login portal and everything work, though
I am freaking out! I’ve been checking facebook, the website, and CC every five minutes.
Last time they announced the finalists at about 2pm eastern.
I was able to log into my account with no glitches, there is no update however the regular decision checklist that was at the top of the page has disappeared! Anyone else noticing this?
Do you mean the colored banner on the top or the regular decision form in the “upload materials” section?
Colored banner on the top @JBee0101
@ethiopienne yep mine’s gone too