Question about an SAT writing MC in CB's book

<p>On practice test 3, section 6, I can't figure out the answer to #27 (or maybe it's #29, its the one which mentions Pride and Prejudice)</p>

<p>I've had my parents look at it too... they don't know either... hopefully someone here will take the time and be able to figure it out..</p>


<p>parallelism. Price and Prejudice is a novel, while Charlotte Bronte is an author.</p>

<p>You could also think of this error as "illogical comparison". You can't compare the novel to Charlotte Bronte. The sentence should read:
The novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen was once more widely read and was more popular than THE NOVELS by Charlotte Bronte. (or those by Charlotte Bronte)</p>