<p>On AP Lit on the open Question (the one about the character's past) , I wrote about the Scarlet Letter. The only problem, is that looking at it later, it only asked about one character, but I wrote about both Hester and Dimmesdale. </p>
<p>Do you think this will hurt me, and if so how much?</p>
<p>45 views and not a single answer? Please help!</p>
<p>Off topic essay = 0/9</p>
<p>Do you think that will be considered off topic? It's not like I wrote about what I ate for Lunch.</p>
<p>I was kidding. It'll probably only hurt you a tiny bit if at all. Unless writing about two people somehow severely compromised the quality of the essay as a whole.</p>
<p>I don't think it would have compromised the quality, because I wrote about how their past together affected them in the course of the novel. thanks for your support.</p>
<p>wow im so glad i got credit for this exam, never have to analyze this stuff again :))))</p>
<p>I wrote about The Scarlet Letter too, but just Hester. I don't think it will hurt you much as long as the essay was well-written.</p>