Is it OK if I don’t tell them how long I’ve lived at each place?
“Tell us where you have lived - and for how long - since you were born; whether you’ve always lived in the same place, or perhaps in a variety of places.”
It specifically tells you to state how long you lived at a certain place. Follow the prompt.
@Hawkace Would it be OK for me to just include the number of years in parentheses after each place like (1yr), (2yrs) and abbreviated just like that? Because I’ve lived in a couple of places and I can’t fit how long into each without going over the word limit.
Do as you feel fit. It’s your choice not mine.
@Hawkace I’m not asking for what fits, I’m asking whether or not its appropriate to do something like that.
@TsunamiSurf: yes, that would be just fine.