Question about Deferring a PHD offer

I got accepted in the PhD program with a funding package for a year. The department recommended that I defer for a year so they would provide a better funding package for me by next year. Should I go this year or wait for the next year in a hope of a better package “they didnot guarantee anything” ?.. what do you think?

Would you be able to get a job or internship for the year if you defer? What would you be doing if not getting your PhD. Did they say how much better?

Good question to discuss with your current college advisor. That professor will likely know more about how things work than we do. Plus- figure out what you would do next year.

Well yes… I will be in my job for another year…the thing is they said that next year’s committee will be different… we do not guarantee anything but you will be placed on top of the list. they did not give my anything concrete and I am kinda skeptical about them keeping their word…

Their word will be kept because they do not make guarantees. Discuss with professors who wrote your letters of recommendation- emails work if you are no longer near your college. Those in academics in your chosen field will know how things work and knowing you should be better able to give advice than we can.