<p>Okay, if I was to apply to an early decision program at a university, which as far as I know, is totally binding as in you MUST attend the college if you are accepted. But, I will for sure be applying for financial aid, so can I decide not to attend the college if I don't like the financial aid plan? Any help greatly appreciated =D</p>
<p>Bump it =)</p>
<p>This question has probably been answered many, many times, but…</p>
<p>In a word, no. You don’t have to go there if you CANNOT pay for it after you’ve tried to work out a good financial aid plan with the college - but it takes a lot for you to break the contract. You can’t just declare the plan “bad” and expect that to be the end of it. You honestly need to be incapable of paying for the school after several tries to make a suitable aid package with the college.</p>
<p>The question you should have asked yourself is “should I apply early decision to this school if my attendance is contingent upon the financial aid package I receive?”</p>
<p>I think you know you’ve already answered that question, but it seems you don’t like the answer you gave yourself!</p>
<p>If you actually can’t afford it after getting your preliminary aid award, then you can be released from your ED agreement. The important thing to remember is there’s a difference between “can’t afford it” and “don’t want to pay that much.” If you/your parents actually cannot afford it, that will be evident to both you and the financial aid office. If, on the other hand, you are trying to glean the potential benefits of an ED application while preserving the option to shop around for the best deal, that is an unwise approach.</p>