Question About Listing Answers In Supplements

I was wondering about listing answers in my supplement. I’ve read from multiple sources that there is no specific order, yet do I retain the authority to impose my own order? Do they want a list in the most basic sense or can I sort it (and then indicate my sorting) as I please?

For examples, the first prompt is:
“List the titles of the required readings from courses during the school year or summer that you enjoyed most in the past year. (150 words or less)”

Am I free to state In order of preference (beginning with most)" and then carry on with my list? I was just unsure if it would be a nuisance to include an ordering system or whether this is something they are indeed looking for (again, not looking for any specific order just how one chooses to order them).

It probably doesn’t matter. If you want to order them in your own specific way, feel free to do so. I think as long as you answer the prompts, it doesn’t really matter what you do. For example, for the required reading one, I don’t plan to simply list books, I’ve picked a single book and give an explanation or blurb on it. So yes, you can do it in order of preference or however you choose.