Question About Omission on App/Waitlist

<p>My son is on VT's waitlist. He has three other colleges he's been accepted to so all is not lost; however, VT is his first choice.</p>

<p>I keep wondering why they didn't put him into his second requested area of study, which would have been University Studies and then I got to thinking: What really WAS the second area that was put on the application? It was so long ago that I can't remember but I'm sure it was University Studies. Pulled out the app and darned if it wasn't BLANK!!</p>

<p>So, he's e-mailed the appchange e-mail address to request to have University Studies added so that it is at least considered when/if there are wait list picks.</p>

<p>I guess I'm looking for a ray of hope that his omission was not critical. I do not know HOW that happened because I remember standing behind him and going through the codes to pick both areas of study. Then going over that application SO many times. Uuuuggggghhh!!!!</p>

<p>In the past, if an applicant was not accepted into their major but VT felt he or she still were strong candidate then the applicant would automatically be placed into University Studies.
At that point they can work on transferring into the desired major after the first year. </p>

<p>So I don’t think that his omission was an issue.
Best of luck to your son-I remember the stress but things will work out the way they are supposed to! :)</p>