Question About Quarter Term Grades...

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I know with respect to semester schools, second semester grades won't reach Transfer schools in time. I'm just curious though: Dartmouth is on the quarter system, and so our Winter examinations end on March 17, with grades available by the 24th max (it'll probably be the 23rd) to be sent off. With application due dates being on the 15th or 1st of March, do you guys think this is enough time until decision time for Winter term grades to reach schools?</p>


<p>I think it’s worth a try. Last year my Ds spring semester ended the 3rd week in April, she sent unofficial grade reports to her schools. I can’t tell you whether or not they were considered, but my advice is to send in any positive information you have, it couldn’t hurt.</p>

<p>Also, consider that RD results go out April 1, so it’s very possible that they don’t really start making decisions about transfers until then.</p>

<p>Thanks. Any other thoughts or opinions on this?</p>