question about race

<p>OKay I'm half-chinese and half-white and everyone knows that it's not as favorable to be a white or asian female anymore.
I take chinese at my school, took the Chinese II (750), took the AP test
and have a non-asian last name.
I was wondering if I should mark the "asian", "white" or "other" ethnicity mark on my college applications.
Which would be most favorable?
Because I took chinese and did really well on it, should I mark white (my last name won't show)
or should I mark other because white females aren't really favorable in the college process</p>

<p>MAybe try marking biracial or other?</p>

<p>I'd mark Multi-racial</p>

<p>How about not mark your race at all? It's almost always optional. I think that's what I did. Can't really remember, though.....</p>

<p>multi-racial or other</p>

<p>Yeah, I have had this exact same question myself. I am half-chinese and half-white guy. My last name is english but I look mad asian. I speak english fluently and don't know a single word in Chinese.</p>

<p>I HATE the term multi-racial. I normally don't get offended by anythig but multi-racial is really annoying. I ALWAYS mark asian because everyone refers to me as an asian kid. Noone ever points to me and says he's a white kid ;-0.</p>

<p>Hey Sam: Some people have fought long and hard to obtain a separate category such as "Multi racial". They feel if that wasn't available, they would be forced to omit one (or more) of their races by being plunked into one of the major ethnic categories. I'm not knocking your preference but realize that for many people, it's a point of pride and celebration. When I worked at the U-Mich, they had a student organization of multiracial kids who discussed their specific opportunities and challenges. I visited a few events because I'm the father of two chinese/causcasian kids, I wanted to know what challenges they might encounter. Good luck to you regardless.</p>

<p>Other, then specify if there's a little blank. You aren't full white and you aren't full Asian. Not putting one is dishonest. I myself am half-Korean, half-caucasian.</p>

<p>Not putting one is not dishonest.. it is ur choice!!</p>

<p>You don't HAVE to mark your race. ETS only uses it to calculate statistics for other purposes.</p>

<p>A college will allow to to put down both races under multiracial.</p>

<p>Otherwise, mark what you feel like. If you identify as asian, then mark it.</p>

<p>Just mark multi-racial. Either way it's not going to help but w/e just be truthful since you don't have an advantage here.</p>