Question about sending SAT in

<p>I took the SATs already and reported the scores on my application. I also indicated that I am taking the Dec test too. If I don't do well tomorrow, must I still send the Dec test in? It'll be a waste of money to do so and it won't reflect well on my testing results...</p>

<p>Also, I haven't sent in official scores for UCLA but self-reported the scores on the application. Can I just send them all with my Dec testing?</p>

<p>Don't worry, they take the highest score regardless.
Yes to the second question.</p>

<p>Thanks! I'm just worried what they'll think if they see a downward trend... </p>

<p>I didn't have time to study for this one =(</p>

<p>I loved UCLA so much when I visited 2 weeks ago, and that motivated me practice SAT's everyday haha.</p>

<p>they don't see a downward trend of scores (unlike grades lol).
they'll just look at the highest. so don't worry :)</p>