Question About The Application

<p>I see that TCU accepts the common app, but they also have their own application form as well. On their application the essay has four different topics to choose from, and then this option on the bottom to do whatever you want with a piece of paper, etc... I;m just not sure if it matters which route i take, or if they need any certain essay from me? Any information on this? I think I'm just able to use the Common App and it's essay but I want to make sure. Thanks</p>

<p>You can definitely just use the common app and its essay if you want. My son did just that and had no troubles a couple of years ago. Another son is going to do the same this year. Or, like you said, you could use TCU’s app. </p>

<p>As I recall, the optional thing you do with a piece of paper is something you can submit whether you submit the Common App or the TCU app. At least that’s the way it was a few years ago.</p>

<p>Whatever the website says is accurate. If they say you can do either, they really mean you can do either! :)</p>