question about the campus

<p>is the campus like separate from Madison or is it mixed together? i have seen pictures but it was all taken from like a distance so i couldn't really see. is it like uhm Vanderbilt (in nashville but a campus not mixed with the city) or is it like NYU (in nyc and mixed with bunch of other buildings and streets etc)</p>

<p>the city and campus are they are mixed together lol. the campus is somewhat spread out although most of the main buildings are in the same area...its not like all 2 city blocks or anything</p>

<p>Both. Everything north of University Ave. is a typical campus with lawns and no city traffic. Thats' about 75% of the campus. Now it has spread south of University with parts that are campus like (Engineering and sports stuff) and others that are mixed but mostly U buildings. Go to Google maps and look it over.</p>

<p>uhm i have a question but its not related to campus lol.
UW-Madison was like top 10 in political science from some ranking i saw before. is it still that good? and also is its economics program strong as well?</p>

<p>Econ is strong. Poli sci lost a few top people to retirement like Jones who was the best guy in the US on the US Presidents. It's still a very good dept-top 12.</p>