question about the supplementary essays

<p>I know it says that the two short responses (the "who are you?" one and the community one) are supposed to be around 200 words, but is it okay to go over the limit? My response still fits in the box so it's under 2000 characters like it says, but instead of 200 words it's more like 270. Would this be a problem? I guess I could cut some stuff out, but it really won't be as effective. Anyone know if this is ok? Dan?</p>

<p>Our college counselor suggests that you try and stick close to limits, but that it’s not a death sentence to go over. She also points out, however, that adcom read a lot of applications and so don’t bore them.</p>

<p>Your college counselor offers advice of great merit. </p>

<p>We don’t count the words. Going a smidgen over isn’t a big deal; we probably won’t even notice. Going noticeably over on each of your essays could irk the ire of a frustration admissions reader. 270 isn’t too bad, but you don’t want all of your essays to be longer than necessary.</p>