Question About The Univeristy of California "f" requirement

For the a-g requirements for UC schools, it states that:

"One unit (equivalent to one year or two semesters) required, chosen from one of the following disciplines:

Visual arts (e.g., painting, web/graphic design, film/video, inter/multimedia arts)"

Does this mean that I need two semesters of the SAME discipline? For example, I took 1 semester of theater, and one semester of ceramics. Does this mean that I satisfy the "f’ requirement, or do I not since each semester is in a different discipline?


I pretty sure it’s one year same discipline. S started hs in 2000 and as I remember that was first year UCs required one year “f” req to be same discipline. Talk to your counselor. If you can’t fit in another semester of one of the disciplines already taken, as a random thought, S took a DE fine arts course in summer (Cinema-watched movies every day for 6 weeks/4 days per week) at local CC. Satisfied “f” admission req and also his UC GE fine arts req. Good luck

A year long high school course is specified.

A transferable semester or quarter long college course of sufficient credit value can also be counted.