Question about UC APP

<p>So im a rising senior, and planning on applying to UCs. Why is the online app due earlier than the offline app? It says the online app is due august 17th… and the regular/paper app is due november 30… Why is there such a big gap? do most people do online apps or paper app?</p>

<p>i'm not sure where you're getting this information from. both online and offline apps are due at the end of november. also, most (i think over 99% of people) use online apps.</p>

<p>I also have a question. When they release the apps, do they have a space for people to list their ec's, sports, and iternships and also other stuff? Or do I have to list them on the essay?</p>

<p>Yes, there's a space for ECs, with hours a week, length of time, etc., same for work experience, and volunteer stuff. If you haven't already made a list, start doing it now, because you don't want to try and remember all that stuff as you are doing the application, and you don't want to give misinformation (whether it's intentional or not). You want to be as accurate as possible.</p>