<p>Prompt: Describe one of your passion and discuss its contribution to your personal growth.</p>
<p>Is it ok to write about my passion for getting girls and how it contributed in making me an ultimate player?</p>
<p>It never really said it has to be an educative passion...</p>
<p>ok for realz now.
For this prompt, I'm planning on splitting this into three sections:</p>
<p>1.) how I used to NOT have any passion and its negative impact on my life
2.) how I got my passion and how it changed me
3.) Importance of having a passion</p>
<p>I'm trying to give most focus on the first two sections (40%, 40%) and about 20% emphasis on the last one (that's my conclusion).</p>
<p>Do you think my approach is appropriate for answering to this prompt?
If not, what should I do differently?</p>
<p>Deemphasize point 1. You don't want to write an essay completely separate from reality but I have found people are much better at pointing out the bad than the good within themselves. Don't leave such an element in the essay. Cover it in a few sentences, or reference it in passing. Positive images should be in their minds, not negative ones.</p>
<p>Don't even do point 3. This is a personal essay, so I would stray away from that which anyone could write. Instead, I'd recommend discussing plans you have for the future with that passion.</p>
<p>My USC essay was about something I did out of school (aviation and working at a flight service), something that drasticly changed the situation (death of my boss in an accident), and how it shaped my academic/career goals (become aerospace engineer to make aviation safer). It got me in anyway</p>
<p>Please write an essay, approximately 500700 words (typically one page), on one of following topics:</p>
<p>1.) The 18th-century French philosopher Denis Diderot said, Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things. Describe one of your passions and discuss its contribution to your personal growth.</p>
<p>2.) It is common knowledge that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Less well known is the fact that he failed 6,000 times before succeeding. Reflect on an accomplishment you achieved in an unlikely way.</p>
<p>3.) Newtons First Law of Motion states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force. Tell us about an external influence (a person, an event, etc.) that affected you and how it caused you to change direction.</p>