Question about "yield protection"

Time to brush up on my game theory.

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Regarding the list posted and just to be clear:
UCLA and UC Davis do not consider an applicant’s level of interest, only offers RD so no ED/EA options and is need blind. Doesn’t seem to meet the criteria that is being discussed.


WashU no longer considers demonstrated interest.


Our (the less wealthy) choice is whether or not to be of he minions of RD applicants at these schools. Our other options are limited.

The wealthy, qualified applicants will ED and get what they and the schools want.

For all of the talk of diversity and wanting the best students…Saying that when a school has not just EDI, but also EDII, is talking out of both sides of the face.A school can’t fill 50% of their class ED and be seeking the best and brightest and most diverse class.


Wasn’t was a bloodbath this year for non ED if I recall correctly.

S22 is high stats, full pay, and demonstrated a ton of interest: every email opened, links clicked through, signed up for many, many virtual events and asked questions, liked social media posts. He did not officially visit in person or meet with AO when he came to high school. Received merit scholarship. I’m not sure where he falls in the game theory, but glad it worked out for him.


Search2022 I am genuinely happy for anyone it works out for. Most if not all are deserving and will assume you are the same.

If just want to point out the hypocrisy of ED schools that seek diversity. The two are opposing forces. Just wanted to call a spade a spade.

Good luck to your student. The school (if not the admissions department) really sounds like a gem.

OP here…thanks for all the insights. We’re new to this with 3 to follow. I don’t expect my son to receive any merit from Notre Dame though we did think he’d have a shot at merit from CWRU. Given his interests are in CS, I do think CWRU could have been a really good fit and he had a great visit at the Engineering open house. And heck, maybe it still will. He completed the necessary form to switch to RD, wrote a very thoughtful response to why CWRU, and will now wait and see.


Just curious…was the first app early action ? While they deferred you to RD, have they given you the option to go ED2?

U Miami did this last year. My daughter got in with the same merit as the EA kids not deferred. We did RD.

UGA defers and accepts many too.

That he got into Notre Dame says a lot. If that’s the fallback, life is good :slight_smile:


Yes, first app was EA and he could move to ED2. However, at the onset of this we let him know that we’d really need to weigh (any) merit against our in state options that he also applied to EA (UVA and VT). Your response to my first post, many months ago, was how many of the schools landed on his list! :wink:

Will go back and re read. Hence my comment a post ago about ED is pay to play.

People think I’m cynical.

You apply ED2 He’s a shoe in…especially if you don’t require significant need.

What great schools tho…


@Search2022 I remember your concerns from last year, and how it seemed Case was going to be a really good fit. I am so glad Case worked out for your son. It sounds like he applied ED and got in. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

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USC doesn’t have EA or ED. I wish more schools were like the UCs and USC in that regard.

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EA or ED?

Thanks! He got in EA and is applying to a bunch of RD, but really likes Case (and the big scholarship :wink: I like the open door major and small size. Although his ED didn’t work out, he’s feeling very positive about Case. I’m glad we pursued this option!

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So ignoring exception.

High stats full pay kid:

EA: defer (we aren’t sure you will come). Recommend you EDII
During EDII: all but grantees acceptance (now that we are certain you will come and don’t need any money)

Almost the definition of pay to play.

Not first hand knowledge of CWRU, but they really risk becoming the Plan B for the elites.

They’ve also gone need blind this year…WUSTL.

But let’s be honest ED is demonstrated interest. Whether it really is or not and I appreciate @MrkInMerrick thoughts on ED…to the school it’s a guaranteed butt in seat.

I guess we can see if demonstrated interest really isn’t being used based on acceptance rates ED vs RD. Unfortunately those are not published but when my son and I visited, class of ‘23, they made a huge point to tell us again and again. …40% of ED is accepted. 11% of RD. Of course ED includes athletes and others so the true statistic may not be as one sided but they wanted you to think it is.

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And EA helps with merit. I can’t know for sure but I bet the % who get merit is higher EA than ED. And the amounts higher.

All kids at W&L are eligible for their Johnson Scholarship. Bit most of the winners are RD.

There’s less need to award someone who neeeds no convincing. I don’t have evidence. But it’s my belief.

Congrats to your son on a game well played.

Colleges don’t typically get the diversity they might be chasing in the ED rounds. Many of those students won’t apply ED for any number of reasons. In general, diversity doesn’t just refer to URM students. There are students low socioeconomic households and first generation to college students. Or students from parts of the country that don’t typically apply to a school like CWRU.

These diverse students may not know about various schools yet. They may lack appropriate guidance at school and rush to fill out apps late in the process. They might need to compare multiple offers. They might have other considerations that are not so problematic for less diverse applicants.


Btw a 4 and 36. Your son is amazing. I hope he gets into UVA. But Notre Dame is awesome.

There’s a ton of $$ out there for your son. Obviously you haven’t chased it - like he could go tuition free - but he’s an OUTSTANDING candidate and he will be successful at UVA, Va Tech if he applied there, CWRU, UND or anywhere else. In the end it’s about the kid and it appears he’s a winner!!

Let us know where he ends up. It’s a nervous time for many. But with a top school in the bag you’re now playing with house money !!