<p>I found out today that I advanced to finalist standing with National Merit. :D I love the idea of getting half-tuition at USC, but my first-choice school (with National Merit at least) is a different school. Do any of you have any idea when the deadline is to change your first-choice school and still get considered for the NMF Presidential Scholarship? Even though the USC offer is obviously the most appealing, I just feel rushed and I really want to weigh my options. I'd also like to visit USC (which won't be until April) before committing.</p>
<p>Any advice, personal stories, or any kind of help you could give me would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>P.S.: I got accepted to USC on Monday :D</p>
<p>I was in that same boat but I applied early to a school that I put as my first choice, was deferred there, and then submitted a request to change my first choice school to USC to be eligible for the National Merit scholarship and get half off. The deadline, I think, is like April 1st. But I'd play it safe and turn it in ASAP but definitely sometime by March. You can probably find this info on the NMSQT website too, so don't take my word for it</p>
<p>NM send out letters to your house today with more info so you should expect that information by friday-ish? unless you live close to chicago (like me) =] haha once I get that i can post and let you know. but I think the deadline is like april 15th-20th? I looked at some of the threads from last year =]</p>
<p>I wish my counselor would tell me already so I can rest assured :(</p>