Question on Financial aid appeal?

I got the presidential scholarship, but as an international student,
the fees are MUCH MUCH more expensive than those of citizens. IDK why…I mean the meal plan is like 1.5Xmore expensive. I am sure I won’t eat that much worth of money…
Has anyone written a letter of appeal for financial aid./scholarship?
Is there a format?</p>

M2Ck, do you have any information about this?</p>

<p>This is the letter I wrote:</p>

<p>Dear Dr. Judy L.Bonner,</p>

<p>Hi Dr. Bonner,
My name is Seungwoon You, and I am an international student who has decided to attend the University of Alabama. Roll Tide!
First of all, my mother and I can’t thank you enough for the presidential scholarship. My mom, who is a foreigner as well, has been extremely concerned about my education; she has been afraid that I won’t be able to go to college in America because of our current financial situation. So, when my mom and I received a letter of Full-Tuition scholarship that is worth ninety-six thousand dollars from you, we were both surprised and so happy, because winning a scholarship as a foreign student is not easy at all. Mom said: You can go to college!<br>
However, the other fees like international fees and international students’ meal plan fee that is a thousand dollars more expensive than that of citizen started to worry us again. My father has lost his job five years ago, and due to his sickness and age, he has been unemployed despite his painstaking efforts. He has been doing part time jobs in Korea to support me and mom as much as possible. On the other hand, my mom and I can’t have regular jobs because we are foreigners, so I have been working as a private tutor to help our situation a bit. Because of this situation, I haven’t paid two-hundred dollars of Freshmen Enrollment deposit yet, and had to cancel my Junior Statesmen of America trip because there wasn’t money for the meals. Also, right now, my mom has to pay rent with late fee because she couldn’t pay the rent on time.</p>

<p>Dr. Bonner,
I want to do my best so that not only I can strive in BAMA and its activities like Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-med Honors Society, but also lessen the burden that my parents are holding on their backs now. If I could seek for your help, I would be so grateful.</p>

<p>Thank you for reading my letter, and ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>With the respect,
Seungwoon “Paul” You, BAMA Class of 2018. </p>

<p>@paul2752‌ did you get a reply? Debating on whether an appeal is worth it or not. </p>

arent you going to get a waiver and live with your mom in tuscaloosa? If so, then you dont buy a meal plan.</p>

<p>I never knew that int’ls pay more for a meal plan. where does it say that?</p>

<p>OH I haven’t done the hoousing exemption yet so I am writing that in case i don’t get the exemption.
Sorry for the confusion,m2ck.</p>

<p>Here is the link.</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>M2CK, for international students, for some reason, most state universities charges more for meal plans and dormitories. There is also something called international fees which i don’t understand why the heck I should apply…except in UAB, dormitory for international is cheaper than that of in/outstate citizen students.</p>

<p>@stkdu55‌ no I didn’t get a reply.</p>

<p>Ok…I read the fine print. You arent being charged more.</p>

<p>The estimate includes a summer meal plan for those going to summer school as well. And the estimate includes the dining dollars that also added in.</p>

<p>Youre not required to do the summer plan. </p>

<p>anyway…start working on your waiver. I realize that your mom hasnt moved yet, but be looking for an apt and maybe once you have a prelease that will work.</p>

<p>Wow, M2CK, you are going above and beyond to help this future student navigate a complex issue. It speaks a lot to the Bama CC community. Roll Tide!</p>