Question on highschool curriculum...

<p>k, consider 2 applicants, equal in everything except in this. Both are applying to the biomedical engineering program. Both have taken both the AP Computer Science Exam and Ap French exams. But now, one took 4 years of french and the other took 2 years of French, 1 of AP Computer Science, and the last of Computer Aided Design. Which is preferred? Assume both got excellent and equal grades on all their exams and course grades, including French and Computers.</p>

<p>Btw, French went up to only French 4, not AP French. Both self-studied for AP French.</p>

<p>What is the purpose of such pointless speculation about two mythical students who would not even be equal in everything? Are you considering only 2 years of French? I wouldn’t recommend it, as that is usually the very least required and really not enough for some college minimums. </p>