Question on housing and tuition fees

I understand, you pay $300 after housing contract is offered to secure housing. when is the rest of housing and tuition fees due ? Is it start and every quarter or you got to pay everything for a year on Aug 23rd or so

How does it work ? Appreciate inputs

You are billed for each semester separately.

You will get a tutition bill in late July and you have the option to pay it all at 1 time or in 3 payments.
If you look through this link from the calendar you will see when tuition is due:

Housing’s payment is a little later in the year & can also be paid once or in installments.
Look at this link for more details:

Thank you so much.

One last question. Any idea on what parents do on family Orientation, while the student is on his 3 day orientation ?

Parent orientation is only for one day. The kids are kept busy all day and most of the evening. The parents have their own schedule of programming, with general sessions for all and then smaller sessions around campus by school and several you can choose to go to. Lots of info. My husband and I split up for the day to cover more sessions. At the end of the day, you meet up with your longhorn for a barbecue dinner. It was informative and worth going. But you will not see your child much (which is a good thing) and then you can go home. They stay 2 more days.