Question on merit scholarship

<p>For those who receive merit scholarship (trustee, presidential or dean), if you decide to switch your major to another school (ie. Marshall to School of Art or Science) during school year, will you still get your scholarship if you maintain your GPA? Thanks!</p>

<p>I haven’t gotten any information about this, but I see no reason that they’d take away a scholarship just because a recipient wants to switch majors. According to the brochure that we received:</p>

<p>The following criteria must be met for the USC Merit Scholarship to be renewed each year:

  1. You must maintain a cumulative USC GPA of at least 3.0.
  2. You must make normal academic progress toward your undergraduate degree during the academic year.
  3. You must uphold USC’s conduct and academic integrity standards.</p>

<p>If you’re still worried, try calling them. Hope I helped!</p>

<p>You get to keep your scholarship if you switch majors. However, in addition to the above criteria, you will also need to earn a minimum of 32 units per year.</p>

<p>My D kept her Presidential scholarship when she changed from the CLAS to Annenberg at the beginning of her sophomore year. No one even mentioned it - definitely not a problem.</p>