Question regarding freshman dorm accommodations?

I am thinking about applying to Middlebury as my ED school. I’ve looked at the Midd website and it seems as if most of the freshman dorms have at least a few singles. Some commons seem to have more than others though. I was wondering if the Midd Housing would be willing to accommodate me ( I have IBS and having to share a room is not something I’d be extremely comfortable with). If I requested a single, would it be likely for me to get one, given the medical reasons? And would this affect what Commons I get into? Thanks to anyone that answers, I don’t want to be bound to a school that doesn’t accommodate for my needs, but Middlebury is honestly my dream school as someone that is highly interested in environmental issues and language.

Sorry, but why would someone with IBS need a single more than someone without it?

it’s complicated. my symptoms are quite, unpleasant to say the least (I’m not going to state exactly what) when I have my flareups. They’re noticeable and quite embarrassing. I don’t want to force anyone to have to share a room with me on a night that I accidentally eat a trigger food. I also tend to get really anxious with sharing rooms because I do have anxiety (that is diagnosed and being treated), but it’s just a bad mix. I don’t necessarily need a single, but I don’t want to create a bad experience for any potential roommate I might have. I’d be a lot more comfortable without it. Sorry, I’m not comfortable revealing too much publicly, but I would explain more in depth to housing if I were to get accepted. Do you think it’d be possible for them to accommodate if they had the rooms?

Your condition would qualify as a disability and accommodation in housing would be reasonable, I am not affiliated with the college, but you should check the website.