<p>Hi, </p>
<p>I am a motivated HS student going into junior year at a rigrous HS. We are well known and score very well when compared to schools in NJ and the US. However, I am a bit unhappy with what goes on in my HS- a ton of cheating (teachers could care less), some really terrible teachers/counselors, etc. It seems the classes are the only reason to stay. I have around a 3.8-4.0 GPA an will take AP US History, and 3 other honors for my junior year. I am practicing a LOT for SAT's and expect a 600-700 for each section.I have lots of extra curriculars and a leadership position already. I alos volunteer 200 plus hours with disabled adults for two years, and many other volunteer etc. However, no sports. </p>
<p>Enough about myself, as I don't like to gloat... I have been looking into a private all boys HS, called Christian Brothers Academy. My parents support my decision if I were to switch there for my junior year. It is known to be a great school. Has anybody heard anything about it? I would probably take one or two AP's there-similar to my HS. I heard it is much more difficult than my HS. Does it pay to try that out? </p>
<p>I want to go to a great college, particularly NYU (considering Drexel, eh.). Do you think going to this private school would improve my chances of acceptance into better colleges? Granted, I have to put the time in to keep up my GPA, SAT, etc. Please, any info would be great. I have to make a decision very soon. </p>
<p>By the way, this is my first post! I think this is a great resource for my college search. Any tips in general for SAT's, college, etc? But I am mainly concerned with my dilema of Private vs HS. </p>
<p>Thanks all!</p>
<p>Have you visited CBA? It is an excellent school. It might not help your college acceptance chances- it seems like you are well set for NYU and Drexel anyway. Make your decision based on whether you think you would have a better high school experience at CBA. Are there some CBA students you can talk to in order to get more of a feel for what the classes and the activities are like? My son went to a NJ private high school (he was a boarder) and I am familiar with CBA, but not in much depth.</p>
<p>I'd say go for it, if you visit and learn some more about it and decided it sounds good to you. Your HS may be rigorous, but I don't blame you for wanting to get away from poor counselors and cheaters. Of course, no guarantees that it's any better at the other school, but I'd bet it is. </p>
<p>Also, while I truly believe that I got a good education at my suburban (but non-elite) public HS (and I think I had/have the test scores to back up that assertion), I DO believe that it is a significant impediment to the college process to have poor counselors. It's not fair or right, IMO, but there is a big difference in having a form letter of recommendation from a counselor who basically doesn't know you (is it MY fault that I had 4 counselors in 4 years? No!) and (in my case) has no clue what it takes to help a student get into a selective school, and a counselor who knows you, knows the ropes of selective college admissions, and will go to bat for you. So for that reason alone, I see an significant advantage to a private, (usually) smaller HS. I'm not saying that my GC kept me out of schools, but he certainly didn't help me get in.</p>
<p>thanks for the info so far very fast :)
I have to visit soon.
To MomofWildChild: Do you just know it is an excellent school? Do you have any statsitics possibly/experiences? Thanks for continued support!!</p>
<p>51 reads and only 2 posts????? please i need help</p>