question regarding student record.

On my student record, which is pretty much an unofficial transcript. My AP exams credits are being listed as ADV STG credits. It makes me wonder what STG actually stands for? Thanks!

I think it indicates “advanced standing”. This is something you ought to be able to deduce for yourself, no?

Please try to write in complete, grammatically correct sentences in the future – they are much more pleasant and professional to read. Clear writing also reflects much better upon future Badger graduates.

Good luck!

My apology. I did not pay much attention to my grammar when I wrote it. Anyway, I thought it probably means “advanced standing” too. However, I still don’t understand how can STG stand for “standing.” Shouldn’t it be STA? There is no letter “G” anywhere in the word “standing,” which makes me confused. Thanks!


Ok, my bad. For some weird reasons, I do not notice that. That was a very stupid question. Someone can close this thread now. Thanks!

No worries!