Question regarding undergraduate research

<p>So I read on the purdue site about the discovery park internship program. Does anyone have experience with this, is it worth applying to? What is it like? And are there more programs like this at purdue. How common is it for freshman at purdue to conduct research? And how selective are these programs? Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Hi! I don’t have any information on that internship program, but I had the opportunity as an undergraduate freshman to do psychological research and my friend (a freshman as well) also had one in the bio program. There really are opportunities everywhere! I learnt about mine from my professor, and I believe my friend knew an upperclassman who was conducting research and she jumped in with her. I don’t think you’ll necessarily be leading the research, but you get your foot in the door and get to experience what research is like (and as a freshman that’s pretty neat)! If you’re going into engineering, my roommate got on this cool thing called a Global Design Team, and you get to solve real problems throughout the world. I know she was doing something with plants in Jordan. Those are pretty selective though, but she wasn’t in honors or anything so I’m sure if you work hard, you can have that opportunity too!</p>

<p>Thank you for your response :). I’m really happy to hear that Purdue has a lot of research opportunities! I can’t wait to start freshman year and apply for internships.</p>


<p>I did DURI…it was fun. You should also look into SURF, it’s in the summer, pays decently well and there’s about 100-200 kids doing it. So there will be tons of social activities and overall it’s a lot of fun. I preferred SURF over DURI, but that’s only because there were a lot more people doing SURF.</p>