
<p>We're getting pumped for a "Destination Dorm" excursion. My prior experience with this has been the rainy, dreary climate of Providence, RI, where I had to Fedex my daughter's winter coat up in early September. What kind of quilt or comforter should my D look for? The thinner patchwork kind or the puffy kind? I know that the dorms are airconditioned, but does anyone have any idea of how high up they crank it? Mostly short sleeves, or mostly long? And if a current Miami parent has any suggestions for anything else pertinent, I would appreciate it. We're from NJ, so getting stuff down there has become a point of extreme stress for me. I've got a plan, involving a combination of mailing, dragging and buying on site. But I welcome any wisdom.</p>

<p>we're from NE and bought most things at Bed Bath and Beyond, rather than shipping it down. If you go to BBB, you can "order" what you want and then pick it up there at the FL location. Target, Best Buy, and BBB are all in the same convenient shopping mall. As far as big items, we bought TV and refrig from Best Buy, and futon from Target. As far as clothes, remember it will be hot in August, so bring down short sleeves and shorts. We brought home some empty suitcases and were sure to leave a carryon behind.
You may be down for Family weekend, and can bring down more clothes etc. if needed, and s/he may be home for the "fall break" (a long weekend about 2 weeks later). As far as long pants/long shirts, they weren't needed until second semester.</p>

<p>we chose a down comforter from BBB.<br>
A/C is individual in each room and doesn't really work as well as it seems to here at home....</p>

<p>When is family weekend?</p>

Welcome to Family Weekend 2006!
October 6-8, 2006</p>

<p>The University of Miami is excited to invite you to attend Family Weekend 2006 from October 6-8, 2006. This weekend provides you the opportunity to visit with your student and take part in the numerous activities and events that are planned for your enjoyment.</p>

<p>This website will provide you with an overview of our activities and it will allow you to register for the weekend's events. Our online registration will be available in August and will accept credit card payment only. For checks or money orders, please use the registration form in the brochure that will be mailed to your home in August</p>

<p>We hope this information is helpful to you as you plan to come to South Florida during one of the most pleasant times of the year. We look forward to seeing you in October and please do not hesitate to contact our office at anytime if you have any questions.


<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>This year it will be Oct. 6-8. You will receive a packet of info in the mail later this summer.<br>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Our dorm excursions closely followed mishdoob's, some dragging, mostly buying dorm stuff there. We're also from NE, and though I too worried all summer, somehow it all worked out rather painlessly. S went with a puffy, lightweight comforter and I never heard any complaints. It will be VERY HOT for the first few weeks, then just regular hot. LOL No need for any long sleeves, except for the requisite UMIAMI sweatshirt :), for quite some time.</p>

<p>In the three years son has been in Miami, he said it got down to 49 degrees once. He actually took about 3 or 4 sweatshirts, but dropped them off at home the first summer home. A few pair of bluejeans and of course, the requisite dress-clothes. I'm sure for girls it may be different but sons wardrobe really doesn't consist of much more than shorts, t-shirts, short-sleeve shirts to go out to dinner once in awhile, and of course, flip-flops. And don't forget the rain-wear! A light raincoat, and umbrella are another prerequisite. The months of Aug through December can be rainy. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...their blood WILL thin to Floridian in a few months. Back home in the midwest we didn't even put on a jacket till the weather was in the 40' the time they've spent a couple months there, they will get cold at 65. </p>

<p>I too recommend buying as much in FL as possible when you get there. A word of warning however; if your going to do much shopping at Target, Best Buy, etc., go early. We found the Target to be pretty well picked over by late evening on the Friday of move-in day.</p>

<p>We are doing the Bed, Bath & Beyond thing here in NY and then will be picking everything up down there. I think we will actually go do it today. We also plan on hitting up Best Buy and Target in FL for other essentials. We are not shipping anything and I think packing will consist mostly of clothes and toiletries. Anything the kids need that we may have left out is easy for them to get nearby. Luckily, UM is in an area where there is lots of shopping nearby and the shuttles go to various locations so they can pick up what they need. Then, as mentioned before, parent weekend is not too far from move in and we can always add anything forgotten at that point too.</p>

<p>One thing to keep in mind is that in FL, "sweater weather" is often indoors!
My D always has a lightweight hoodie on hand for the AC...guess her blood has already thinned :p
But other than that, its flip flops and shorts for everyday wear.</p>

<p>She took a lightweight quilt and jersey sheets - no blanket needed.</p>

<p>Okay guys, I've lived in South Florida 90% of my 17 years of life, and trust me, everyday is NOT a shorts and flip flops day. I usually leave my house with flip flops and long jeans. @ night during winter you WILL need a light weight hoodie. & not everyone wheres flip flops, girls wear heels and guys wear nice sneakers.
=] hope i was of some help</p>