<p>Is Columbia (or any other Ivy for that matter) enthusiastic about accepting Barnard students when it comes to graduate programs? I would like to get my Undergrad degree from Barnard, but definitely would like to pursue further in my studies and get a graduate degree from another excellent school. </p>
<p>Barnard has an excellent reputation. If you do well there you will have excellent opportunities at grad schools. What sort of grad degree are you interested in pursuing and in what field?</p>
<p>Oh, and as far as Columbia being interested in Barnard graduates, I imagine that might depend on the field of interest as to whether it would be in YOUR best interest to stay within Columbia University for both undergrad and grad work. I know my daughter chose not to apply to Columbia University because she hopes some day to possibly try to teach at Barnard and knows they would want more diverse experience than that. </p>
<p>All that has nothing to do with excellence or lack thereof in the Barnard educaiton, however.</p>
<p>I have recently become very interested in medicine, which, unfortunately, is not offered as a major at Barnard. (I have been accepted Early Decision!) I know that I should probably major in Pre-med, but being that Barnard does not offer it, I am in a bit of a pickle! When I applied I was sure that I wanted to major in English or something of the literature sort but I then realized that I love medicine. Maybe my interests will change, but for now, I am wondering what to do!</p>
<p>Does your daughter know any girls who went/go to Barnard and became interested in medicine? If so, what did they do? </p>
<p>Pre-med is actually a major at very few colleges, nyc. You can major in anything and fulfill pre-med requirements though, many pre-meds major in bio/chem/biochem, but many others major in anything from dance to history. As long as you take the required courses, you’re fine, no matter what you focus on…</p>
<p>Barnard very definitely has lots of students who are “pre-med”. In fact, my daughter considered it and went to some meetings for that. They offer a lot of guidance and will tell you what you should take to have the best chance (ie how much Calc, science, etc). The above poster is correct in that you can technically be a dance major or whatever and then apply to med schools…you just will have a better chance if you major in some flavor of science. </p>
<p>In fact, in my daughter’s major of neuroscience, most of the girls are applying to medical school and not PhD programs. If you plan to go pre-med, Barnard is a wonderful place to do it!! </p>
<p>Note: You must be a the top of your game, though. I believe my d said the pre-med advisors will pretty much not let you submit your applications to med school if you are not up to their standards. One of her suitemates is going to med school and when she went to review her med school application with an advisor, they first said “no” as they did not see one critical factor on it (she corrected that). Barnard’s reputation is a good one and I guess they want to keep it that way. Good news: if they encourage you to submit your apps to med school, you are golden. If not, you do have some gaps to fill in…they know what they are doing! Her suitemate has gotten in to pretty much every program to which she applied, I believe.</p>
<p>Barnard very definitely has lots of students who are “pre-med”. In fact, my daughter considered it and went to some meetings for that. They offer a lot of guidance and will tell you what you should take to have the best chance (ie how much Calc, science, etc). The above poster is correct in that you can technically be a dance major or whatever and then apply to med schools…you just will have a better chance if you major in some flavor of science. </p>
<p>In fact, in my daughter’s major of neuroscience, most of the girls are applying to medical school and not PhD programs. If you plan to go pre-med, Barnard is a wonderful place to do it!! </p>
<p>Note: You must be a the top of your game, though. I believe my d said the pre-med advisors will pretty much not let you submit your applications to med school if you are not up to their standards. One of her suitemates is going to med school and when she went to review her med school application with an advisor, they first said “no” as they did not see one critical factor on it (she corrected that). Barnard’s reputation is a good one and I guess they want to keep it that way. Good news: if they encourage you to submit your apps to med school, you are golden. If not, you do have some gaps to fill in…they know what they are doing! Her suitemate has gotten in to pretty much every program to which she applied, I believe.</p>
<p>Wow, what a relief! Thanks for the detailed explanations. </p>
<p>I am also interested in Bio, so I guess it will work out great! </p>
<p>PS. Has anyone received a follow-up letter/package from Barnard? I mailed in my ED confirmation, but am yet to receive anymore packages from them…</p>
<p>I don’t think we’re supposed to receive anything from them, I emailed them to check and they said there general policy is just to call you if they don’t receive a deposit within the next few weeks.</p>